Patent Pending
We would like to introduce you to our latest breakthrough product that is relevant to your industry. The Large Trapezium die has been completed and is production ready. The Small Sine Wave and the Small Trapezium will also be production ready in the coming weeks, both nearing completion.
Vermin Proofing, Ember Proofing with Breathability as an added bonus to assist the drying of roofs in flood prone areas. This Patented revolutionary product is now known as the Universal-Shield designed by Simply Lateral Pty Ltd and our associates in the Plastics industry.
The Universal-Shield is designed by Simply Lateral as a means to Ember Proof most sheet metal structures that use the corrugated Sheet Metal, of a Sinusoidal (Wave) or Trimdek Trapezium corrugation profiles. Additionally, the Fibro Fence line and Weepa Holes products will also be available at a later date.
This new and exciting product was derived from our involvement in the Pest Control Industry with a Seal developed some 23 years ago known as the ConSeal (Concrete Seal). Our latest product is going to save lives, homes and extensive corporate insurance payouts by preventing Ember attack of most sheet metal structures. Not only does it prevent Ember Attack it also prevents pests, vermin and weeds entering the metal structures at the ground floor or slab level. Additionally, the Uni-Shield can be made from recycled plastic and it has already passed “VZero” rating tests required for the building code materials in Australia. Put simply “VZero” is the highest rating code required for any building industry code products in Australia. “VZero” means when you apply a flame to the surface for 5 seconds then remove for 5 seconds, repeat the process five times, if the material doesn’t sustain combustion or ignite after 30 seconds it is rated at “VZero”. The Uni-Shield self-extinguishes in one second.
One seal fits the majority of configurations and profiles of sheet metal at the ground, roofing and fence-lines, that is at the Slab Level (where the sheet metal is affixed to the concrete slab), or Eaves (where the vertical sheets meet the roof line), or at the Ridge Cap or Hip ( at the apex of the roof) furthermore, perimeter fences are now no longer going to be prone to ember attack and the solution is the Uni-Shield which can be fitted to most corrugated profiles.
The Uni-Shield can be retrofitted to an existing structure or installed at the completion of the construction, and it saves a minimum of 2 hours of the finishing process required when installing a new sheet metal roof. Not only that, an incidental added bonus is that the Uni-Seal allows the roof to self-ventilate by supporting convection currents, thus eliminating the need for WhirlyBirds or any other roof ventilation means, now homes can be ventilated and kept mould free.
After vigorous prototyping and testing over the past 18 months by our associates in conjunction with Murdoch and Curtin University our Uni-Shield is now in the final production phase here in Perth, Western Australia. Uni-Shield samples are now available and within the next few weeks the Uni-Shield will be available to all suppliers and roofing contractors. The trapezium-shaped Uni-Shields both small and large and the Sinusoidal (wave) can be retro-fitted to existing structures as well as the fence-line.
I look forward to hearing from you in the not-too-distant future, so be part of the revolution in Ember Proofing Homes throughout Australia with Patents pending Worldwide.
We welcome your inquiry at your earliest convenience and look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.
Furthermore, we are now in a position to provide samples of the final products to be manufactured. At this time, we can provide samples by mail, in our final version of the Uni-Shield all the circular holes will be transformed into square holes, thus increasing the breathability of the roof and potentially eliminating the need for WhirlyBird ventilation.
Please provide details of where you would like us to send samples.